Song of the day: “Pazuzu” by Dark Fortress

I often surf the Internet in search of those records that have not yet ended up on my shelf, the search is not as exhaustive as when I usually focus only on exploring my catalog and sometimes I only focus on completing collections that I have half finished. I have been after the spectacular album Spectres From The Old World (2020, Century Media Records) by the German progressive-melodic black metal quintet Dark Fortress for some time and today I came across a review that caught my attention in the comments of a widely known store such as Amazon where the person in question summed up this album with the words “Very generic“, which bothered me a lot. Without having processed such constructive criticism as the one I mention, I quickly went to listen to Pazuzu to calm my desire for destruction.
With my thoughts somewhat more focused, I once again made sure that this comment about Spectres From The Old World actually corresponded to the album and not to another album, and I saw that this same person had called his review “A pretty boring album.” Boring? No fucking joke. This is probably one of the strongest albums from the now-defunct black metal project founded in 1994 by guitarist Asvargr in an interesting discography made up of eight studio albums. My favorite is still Ylem (2010, Century Media Records), although it must be said that the musical level of his discography is very notable.
The album itself has a duration of approximately one hour, perhaps this is the only drawback I can find precisely because at some point it can become longer than necessary, but this would be the only negative point I can find about this album. Pazuzu is also one of the strongest songs not only on the album but also by the defunct band, a true dense and dark gem where everything is perfectly synchronized and works like a Swiss watch. Of all the adjectives with which we could describe this album, I can assure yoy that “generic” and “boring” are not on that list. Do yourself a favor if you still don’t know Dark Fortress, listen to their albums well and read my entry again, then maybe you can understand why it irritates me so much that someone in their right mind can get bored with their music.