Time To Rock 2023: Brothers Of Metal leaves no stone unturned


The swedish band made no prisoners in Knislinge with its epic power metal overdose.

If there is one of those bands that manages to give me goosebumps today, it is Brothers Of Metal. Its simplicity, honesty and the feeling with which the eight members who are part of the group – part of them family – give life to their songs make their music something special in which, in addition, you can learn something about Norse mythology. and step.

Its three vocalists Joakim Lindbäck Eriksson, Ylva Eriksson and Mats Nilsson manage to captivate the public with a combination of voices that is as attractive as it is homogeneous, and that is something that may seem very simple a priori but in practice it does not seem to be as easy as it seems.

The fact is that the Swedish epic power/heavy project has made its way among audiences of both genres thanks to its two studio works to date, Prophecy Of Ragnarök (2017) and Emblas Saga (2020), although most likely is that the octet is already working on its third album at this point. In fact they released the single Berserkir at the end of last year, so it is probably one of the previews of this possible next album.

Be that as it may, the lineup formed by the aforementioned vocalists and guitarists Dawid Grahn, Mikael Fehrm and Pähr Nilsson, bassist Emil Wärmedal and drummer Johan Johansson gave a good review of their battle hymns without skimping on epicness and energy. In fact, this is probably one of the concerts that raised the most audience in Knislinge, and Brothers Of Metal has the ability to dazzle the audience with their staging and, above all, with their good work on stage..

The three vocalists did a more than commendable job in their respective positions, highlighting above all that of Ylva Eriksson and that of a very dedicated Mats Nilsson, without detracting from the work of a notable Joakim Lindbäck. In specific moments such as Yggdrassil or Powersnake is where Ylva shined with her own light, demonstrating her skill as a vocalist, making it clear that few can compare to the vocalist in that position. Ride Of The Valkyries and Prophecy Of Ragnarök sounded like real cannon shots, with a powerful Defenders Of Valhalla that Brothers Of Metal elevated as an anthem of our time and that should endure over time.

Special mention deserves the rhythm section formed by Emil Wärmedal and drummer Johan Johansson, two true monsters on their respective instruments. The brilliant The Mead Song could not be missing from the repertoire, making the short setlist an unparalleled celebration that only berserkers at heart should celebrate. An outstanding concert, an unparalleled event that will probably be difficult to beat. It’s a pity that there was no time for Fire Blood And Steel, I hope they appear in our country as headliners in some room, I would repeat as many times as I could.

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