Corpsevore: Feed The Plague (2024, Horror Pain Gore Death Productions)


Corpsevore’s debut album is one of the grindcore/death albums to watch out for in 2024, an album that takes no prisoners with a biting message and very clear intentions.

Corpsevore - Feed The Plague (2024)

Sometimes it is difficult to try not to overlook depending on which albums with the number of releases we have throughout the year, and what is even more complicated is choosing which ones you are going to dedicate the necessary time to analyze the work behind them. that on certain occasions it is even more complicated to achieve something beneficial in that process. Luckily this has not happened to me with Feed The Plague by the French project Corpsevore, the first studio album from the side project of Wintereve’s lead guitarist who debuted in 2022 with the demo Sadistic Flesh Ritual Torment.

In reality, it is not difficult at all to devour an album like Feed The Plague, an album made up of ten songs that combine death metal and old school grindcore with a very interesting result. The total duration of the album is 18 minutes, so during the duration of the album we will be headbanging constantly. The instrumental If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls… opens the album with a heavy guitar riff that oozes rot from all sides. A true declaration of intentions by its only member who, with the title of this first song, already makes his ideas very clear regarding the number of topics that the album deals with and harshly criticizes, from animal abuse to misanthropy, two topics with which I feel totally identified and that I defend tooth and nail.

The album itself is a real punch in the face, an album that gives off an evil and resentful aura in each of its songs from the brutal and demonic Feed The Plague with which it welcomes us to the Corpsevore universe to the devastating and very fast Science Without Conscience with which the album closes, a scathing and totally necessary criticism that is dressed in bloody and depraved metal with which Corpsevore once again calls into question our actions as human beings and the disgusting society in which we live without no type of cover-ups, making us doubt at all times the intentions of those around us with lyrics as significant as in Meat Is Murder, Milk Is Rape where in a matter of two minutes it completely destroys the ears of its listeners based on grimy riffs and voices from beyond the grave.

If what you’re looking for is an album with interesting content and not the typical album whose lyrics don’t talk about shit, Feed The Plague is just what you’re looking for. If Fur Bitch or Greedhouse Effect don’t make you feel anything, I recommend you skip it and go listen to something else. This is old school death metal and grindcore, the kind that rips open your chest and extracts your insides with guitars with a cavernous sound as if it were a chainsaw. If I had to give a soundtrack to Tobe Hopper‘s Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie, I would undoubtedly choose Feed The Plague.

2024 has just started and there are many albums left to come out but I can categorically affirm that Feed The Plague is one of the ones that will remain on my grindcore list throughout the year. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were on the list of the best albums of the year when it’s time to do the annual review at the end of 2024, I can already tell you. Congratulations to Corpsevore for such an intense debut.


  1. If Slaughterhouse Had Glass Walls…
  2. Feed The Plague
  3. Cognitive Dissonance
  4. Fur Bitch
  5. Horn Impaled
  6. Meat Is Murder, Milk Is Rape
  7. Greedhouse Effect
  8. A.H.A.B. (All Hunters Are Bastards)
  9. Just Another Stun Gun Failure
  10. Science Without Conscience

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