Les Chants Du Hasard release new single “Procession Du Sabbat” from upcoming album


Les Chants Du Hasard is a project composed and performed by the French multi-instrumentalist Hazard, formed in 2017, born with the idea of ​​treating extreme emotions, anger, violence and despair through music. After having debuted in 2017 with a self-titled album, the project returns in 2023 with the release of its fourth studio album Livre Quart, which will go on sale on June 21 independently whose Procession Du Sabbat preview can be found under these lines.

Procession Du Sabbat is the less operatic song of the album. It could actually be described as progressive, in the sense of progressive rock, with long developments, contrasting parts and a duratrion close to 10 minutes“, says Hazard about his new song. Livre Quart was mastered by Olmo Lipani Dehà at Opus Magnum Studios in Brussels. As guest artists we can find Göran Setitus (Voice on Les Ombres Vagabondes), Laura (Soprano) and Christian (Ténor).


  1. Chant I – Parmi Les Poussières
  2. Chant II – La Chauve-souris
  3. Chant III – Le Bruit Du Monde
  4. Chant IV – Sous La Mitre De Fer
  5. Chant V – La Nuit Échappée
  6. Chant VI – Procession Du Sabbat
  7. Chant VII – Les Ombres Vagabondes

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